protect your head!


you got to...

put on the Armor of God!

coz we at war!

fighting the 'Wows' of the devil!


the darkness attacks your head!

and lets your heart deal with it!

vicious battles...


stabbed by 'supposes'

dying from ‘maybe's and ‘what ifs’!

sleeping and not asleep,

waking up tired, not rested,

unceasing  fighting,

with the shadows,

... of 'I think' and 'I heard'

wrestling 'imaginations'

unaware of  dark machinations

from the  fallen one!


cutting off your head,

leaving you with poisoned feelings!


brother, sister;

it is with our mind that we serve God!


we fight!

we protect our head and,

not live your life,

over heart things,

instead; head things!


bring not...

a heart experience to a head fight!

live not, a headless life.


the serpent,

this fallen degenerate,

is a thief!


no robber, robs an empty house!


protect your head!


this cursed one,

is a malignant outcast,

with  toxic fangs,

and  a pungent stench,

out to get you!


stand up!

evacuate not!

from your turf,

your portion from God, since...

you were given already,

things you are yet to possess!

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