Haki iwe Ngao!

Society is bleeding,
it's arteries and veins...
It's crying out loud,
and yet, unheard,
ti's getting dizzy, losing blood!

... passing out!

so they  steal and...
get away with murder,
hiding spoils of plunder
thugging and running_
this system they set!

pawns in a game of chess,
check after checkmate,
you starved they ate!

taking and hiding,
their search is to snatch,
no more worms to catch,
not even the early bird
the egg did not hatch...
twas a sunny side up!

these that cut society,
now want us to seat for tea
because again they see,
another term to seat,
with promises full of deceit!

masters of division,
with words of manipulation,
thriving in dis-union,
inflicting suffering
... while,
watching from the distance of 'truth!'


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