So Still

Like a sniper,
I lay in patience,
Minute after minute,
Hour after hour,
Day after another

For my target to reach my crosshairs!

I am still,
Like water in a drum...
Waiting for the right moment to come!

This was part of my training,
It took hours,
To figure out my camouflage,
No one can know....
Where I lay!

My partner is-
-CheyTac M200.408_
an American!
The most accurate...
Sniper system,
wait for it...
In the world!

With her,
I do not need a spotter,
My mission,
Is the only thing in my mind,
Everything else is behind

Only my target,
My one shot-
I have a range of 2300 meters

In my enclave,
No one will see me come,
Only numbness,
When my bullet
Hits the target!


Like a sniper,
Not even a twitch,
Am ready...
To take out!

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